Todd's blog

News? What news?

I’m on a news blackout these days. After a month of abstinence, I feel lighter and less uptight. I still hear bits and pieces through communication with other people, but I haven’t been actively seeking out news to consume. Now, when people bring up the latest “news,” my internal voice says “don’t care, can’t care.”

What I previously considered important seems trivial now. Debt ceiling … can’t do anything about it; Tom Brady retired … it’s about time; death, destruction, end of mankind … shoulder shrug.

It’s been said that you become an amalgam of the five people you spend the most time with. Apparently, the influence your peer group has on you cannot be overstated. It could be argued that news might be considered one of those external influences.

Engaging many news sources is like a spending time with a “friend” who won’t stop spewing their negativity and fears, irrespective of how you’re receiving it. Actually, news is even worse, as it’s often intentionally embellished non-news, sensationalized to make it dramatic and attention-grabbing. Short attention spans and all …

I’ve noticed that I have more time for positive and creative outlets, which build my skills and feeds my soul instead of filling me with dread. I’m in a much better headspace, feeling empowered through not giving my power to outside forces to control what I experience or feel. I’m more motivated to create my life from the inside out.

I’ll be spending a few minutes over at r/mademesmile when I’m done here as my “news” feed for the day. Just like managing your diet, it only takes a little willpower to feed yourself healthy things.